Camera Winks!

Camera Winks! is a photoblog of each day. What the photo is of isn't what is important, it's the photo itself. The photo itself will be the remembrance, the trophy, the proof I lived through the day.

This May or May Not Be A Hint To Someone December 5, 2009

Filed under: Detailed,Photoblog,Proof — riantgorkette @ 10:17 pm
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There are a few things in my life that I simply enjoy. Seeing the moon in the daytime, cuddling up in a warm fuzzy blanket to watching a movie, waking up at 5am and knowing I can still sleep for another 2 hours, and getting a new box of crayons in my stocking on Christmas Day. Out of everything though, crayons would be my favorite. I don’t always use them, but I love them just the same. I love the smell of them, their colours, and the possibilities they hold. Anything I want I can colour, and my crayons will bring it to life. The freshness of a new box is awe inspiring. Using a crayon for the first time, it’s so sharp and clean. Seriously, I know I’m 22, but this still brings pure joy to me. I also love all the different and unique colours you can get in the big boxes of crayola crayons. [Sorry I must intervene… When I talk about crayons, you must know I speak only of Crayola crayons. I’m very strict on this, nothing else will do. Okay, you may continue reading my post]. Some of my favorite colours are below in the photo. Yes crayons may just be wax dyed sticks to most people but to me they are little sticks of happiness. If for some sad and terrible reason I fail to get them in my stocking this year, I’ll be the saddest 22 year old child there ever was… just saying. (P.S. Mom there is a box of 120 crayons available… your daughter would like this a LOT!!)


Hitting the Freeway Tonight November 6, 2009

Tonight I’m going to the Freeway. In this case the Freeway is a coffee house in Hamilton’s downtown core. Every Friday they have local bands playing. Tonight is an art/photo gallery showing with bands going on at 9pm. The photo theme is called “A Woman’s Journey”. It will highlight motherhood, poverty, strength of women, and women abuse. It will hopefully get people talking about such issues and ideally it will lead to actions that will better our community in these areas. Overall it should be a good night, and a great way to start the weekend. I’ll bring back a picture from the night and post it when I get home.

More Information:

The Freeway — “The Freeway is an innovative, non-profit, fair trade coffee house, art and music venue, and community commons that functions as a third place and is committed to re-investing in the local and global community.”

PhotoVoice — A Women’s Journey

November 6, 2009


Sunday Doodles August 30, 2009

Filed under: Detailed,Photoblog,Proof — riantgorkette @ 1:39 pm
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Twice a month I wake up early and get to church at 8am. It is my job to run the lighting board on these Sundays. Today was one of those Sundays. So at 8am I arrived at our church and began to set up my board. Total time it took to completely set up? 20 minutes. By 8:30am I was bored with nothing to do. Janet our Children’s program leader was there today so I didn’t need to set up Kids Rock, the chairs in our auditorium were already set up and Chris had a handle on the ones still needed. I don’t know anything about sound so I was useless to the sound guys; it was the same deal with the slides. So I sat at my station and doodled on the back of my run sheet. By time church started (10:30am) I had already ran out of room. After doodling I decided to raid the school’s library, (our church is currently being held in a school until our own building is complete). The school is a Christian elementary school, so a lot of the books were Christian ones. I ended up picking the classic Redwall. I read the first 4 chapters, and I have got to say the cartoon was better. Finally when 10:30 came around I was exhausted from doing nothing. I grabbed a tea to keep me awake and took my place behind the lighting board. The service went off without a hitch; well there was the first few moments our lead guitarist lost his pick in his guitar, but besides that all went well. Here is a tiny bit of my doodles I did this morning.

August 30, 2009 (2)


Autumn is Just Around the Corner July 31, 2009

Filed under: Detailed,Photoblog,Proof — riantgorkette @ 4:22 pm
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Yesterday was a lot of fun! Ben and I made a trip to Toronto to visit the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), and the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). We left Hamilton around 11am. Unfortunately I forgot to pack my camera’s battery after I had charged it the night before. I therefore have no photos to show you. I was pretty bummed about forgetting the battery, but there was nothing we could do, we were already well on our way. When we got to Toronto (around 12pm) we first took the subway to the ROM. We stopped before going inside to buy some Street Meat from a vendor right outside. Once our stomachs were full we entered the ROM. We saw dinosaurs, ancient Chinese soldiers, Egyptian hieroglyphics and so much more! One of the more notable items we got to see was the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were pretty cool to see. My favourite thing of my trip to the ROM was a tie between reading Genesis out of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Dinosaurs. When we exited the ROM I was tired and hungry, so we stopped and ate some more Street Meat from the vendor. After refuelling, our energy returned and we hopped on the subway again and headed to the AGO. The AGO was so different from the ROM. It was night and day. The AGO’s atmosphere was much quieter, and more respectful. We saw a lot of cool things there. There was a stairway that seemed to curl up forever and of course we being adventurous had to climb it. When we came to the top there was a panoramic view of Toronto and the CN Tower. It was well worth the climb. Luckily we were able to take the elevator back down, as we were both quite pooped. There were tables in some of the galleries with paper and pencils so that you could create your own art, or show how the art in the gallery inspired you. Those were fun as well. Soon it was closing time and after a quick stop at the gift shop we left the AGO. (We didn’t buy anything, everything was too expensive, but the stuff was neat to look at!). After the AGO we walked down to Young St. and went to the Eaton Center. There on the top floor, was our restaurant, Mr. GreenJeans. We were seated right away, which was nice because our feet hurt. The food was pretty good and it hit the right spot. When we left Mr.GreenJeans it was 6:18pm, our bus home left at 6:30pm. So we quickly boarded the subway again and rushed to Union Station. Luckily our bus must have hit traffic on its way to Union, because when we got to Union the bus was just arriving! We loaded on to our bus and waved goodbye to Toronto. With the trip being over with I feel as though Summer is winding down too. I look forward to Autumn though, as I’m sure it’ll be just as fun as Summer was. As proof of autumn’s soon arrival, my grandfather brought home 14 cobs of corn for supper. Yum! My favourite!

July 31, 2009


Anouncement!!! July 29, 2009

Filed under: Detailed,Explanation,Photoblog — riantgorkette @ 4:16 pm
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So today’s post is pretty much just an update about how this blog has been going and an announcement that I have. I have had this blog for a little more than 3 weeks and so far the responses have been great! I am so thankful for those of you that continue to come back and read about what’s going on in my life. I have had over 200 people visit. I find that stability in this blog is key; more people will return if they know for certain that there will be something new tomorrow. That is why I want to let you know: tomorrow’s post will be very late, if any at all. I didn’t want to appear not dedicated to writing, so I thought I’d give you an idea of what’s going on. Tomorrow Ben and I are going to Toronto. We plan on visiting the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) and other cool places we see on our way. I do plan on coming back with photos of some sorts. Check back tomorrow or Friday for sure! Oh! And as for the photo today, it’s just a cool thing I have hanging in my kitchen.

July 29, 2009