Camera Winks!

Camera Winks! is a photoblog of each day. What the photo is of isn't what is important, it's the photo itself. The photo itself will be the remembrance, the trophy, the proof I lived through the day.

Ash Wednesday…A.K.A. Lent. February 17, 2010

Filed under: Detailed,Photoblog,Trophy — riantgorkette @ 5:15 pm
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Today is the beginning of Lent. I normally don’t practice Lent due to my lack of knowledge about it. This year it had been on my mind a lot, so I did some research. I found that it is a way of worshiping God. By giving something up that you love, in order to tell God that He is more important to you than that thing. So I thought about it a lot. I thought of all the things I couldn’t possibly give up. I thought of everything I depended on. One thing fell into both categories- Facebook. My reasons for thinking it was impossible to give up was due to my bible study. I have a group on Facebook that I use to coordinate everything with my bible study. Also Facebook is where I get most of my viewers for this blog. So I figured I can’t possibly give it up. I then realized I could easily e-mail the people in my bible group, and I could still use twitter to publicize this blog. So with the impossible made possible, the only reason I had left was that I depended on it. That fact alone was a reason to give it up. There is no need for something like Facebook to be on a list of things I depend on. So I decided I would give it up for Lent as a sign of my love for God. I love and depend on him more than Facebook. So here is my final good bye to Facebook: